Employee Spotlight: Meet Gary Noke, Corporate & Business Development Director

We’re proud of the team we’ve assembled here at F.W. Davison, from our support reps, programmers, and everyone in between.
Occasionally, we spotlight either a new employee – or long-time veteran – so you can get to know some of the extraordinary people who make up the Davison team.
Interview with Gary Noke, Corporate & Business Development Director
FWDCO: Describe your industry-related experience.
GN: I have spent the last 15 years in the SaaS software and human resources outsourcing industry. The bulk of that time has been optimizing software offerings so that our clients can better handle the needs of their clients!
FWDCO: How long have you been with the company?
GN: I have been working with Davison as a client since 2005, as business partners with Bullhorn since 2011 and as an employee since the fall of 2012.
FWDCO: What is your favorite part about the job?
GN: Getting to that “aha” moment with our clients when we have been puzzling over complex challenges for some time. Davison is so lucky to be a leader in an industry that actually matters a lot. Smaller companies are the backbone of the economy and our PEO clients are making them more effective each and every day. We are so proud to contribute to that success.
FWDCO: Who are your idols & why?
GN: Rough question but I will take the chancy path and just pick one. It would be too easy to say Bill Gates or Warren Buffet as they are great businessmen and philanthropists but given recent events, I am going to select Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy. He is humble, audacious, gracious, brilliant, and making a major impact in the world of education today. Check out his site at www.khanacademy.org or watch his speech at the TED Convention in 2011 at www.ted.com.