Jonathan Wall

3 Takeaways on Sales Effectiveness and Technology from HRO Summit 360
PrismHR is proud to sponsor the inaugural HRO Summit 360 (March 19-21, Dallas) which brought together sales/marketing executives and thought leaders to share insight into propelling HRO industry growth. Dominant themes include competitive pressures, emerging technology, and the necessity of data-driven sales. Here are our takeaways.Read more

PrismHR Live 2017: A Look Back
If you were able to join us in Nashville this year, PrismHR LIVE provided a very exciting learning and networking opportunity along with insight into the road ahead for HR Outsourcing organizations. If you weren’t there, even though you missed out on some key education, insight and networking, you’ll have the opportunity again next year...Read more

How Flexible Software Contributes to Revenue for PEOs
Flexibility in the business world means adapting to a changing market. Whatever HR software you are using for your PEO or HR service provider business, it must be flexible enough to shift with you, giving you the ability to go after new markets and offer new services — or new ways to customize those services...Read more

Finding the Best Hiring Software for PEOs
As an HR service provider or a PEO, you are probably looking for “value adds” that will help your clients excel in their HR functions. One of the key value adds is making the hiring process easier for your clients, and having that function integrated in the portal they are already using for your services....Read more

Wage Analysis: 3 Ways HR Service Providers Can Help Their Clients with Competitive Wage Analysis
Competitive wages matter to employees. If you are like most professionals who work for an HR service provider, such as a Professional Employment Organization (PEO) or Administrative Services Organization (ASO), you are always thinking about how you can help your clients improve the efficiency of human capital management (HCM) to run their businesses. One...Read more

15 Minutes to Jobs: How to Help your Clients Find and Hire Great Talent
Many of the Human Resource Outsourcing organizations (PEOs and ASOs) we work with are always looking for new ways to add value for their small and medium sized-business clients and increase customer retention rate. One of the most efficient and easiest ways to do that is to extend your HR platform offerings to add online...Read more