James Tehrani

Seeking the Summit: Leadership Lessons from Everest Climber Alan Mallory

Every project or initiative has a goal—a metaphorical summit if you will—that, if reached, is symbolic of success. Not every endeavor ends at the summit, of course. Some attempts fail; others are abandoned along the way.   When it comes to achieving goals, few are more treacherous than trying to reach the top of Mount Everest,...Read more

PrismHR LIVE: It's Almost Your Time to Shine

While PrismHR LIVE traces its roots back to the “ScorPEO” days of the early 2000s, the annual customer conference that you know and love today adopted its current name in 2015.  That first LIVE event took place in Beantown (Boston) and this year’s conference takes place in Music City (Nashville).  And your time to shine...Read more

PrismHR Spotlight: CSM Lesha Cyphers 

If Lesha Cyphers had her druthers, she would spend most of her time at the beach. Whitecaps, white noise, white-hot summer fun.   Just like being at the beach, things can come in waves when you’re a PrismHR customer success manager (CSM). Instead of just going with the flow, Lesha likes to dive in to...Read more

PrismHR LIVE 2024: It’s ‘Your Time to Shine’ in Music City

Do you hear that? It must be the sound of music. No, not the Julie Andrews film, but the reverberations coming from Nashville (aka Music City) as we inch closer to PrismHR LIVE. Excited about PrismHR LIVE? Of course you are. This guide might give you a reason or two or three not only to...Read more

5 Quirky or Rare Payroll Laws Your Clients Won’t Need to Know

Anybody who handles payroll, whether it’s a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), HR outsourcer or payroll service bureaus, knows how complicated payroll can be. There’s compliance, overtime, taxes and the list goes on. Not to mention that many PEOs support clients in states that have different rules and regulations to follow regarding payroll. So when we...Read more

PrismHR Spotlight: CSM Michael Wolff

As our meeting begins, Michael Wolff, one of PrismHR’s Customer Success Managers (CSMs), pulls out a soccer ball from the shelf behind him.  Hey, this guy’s goal-oriented, I think.  Showing me the country flag on the ball, he asks me, in his calm, cards-to-his-vest sort of way, if I know where he’s originally from. Having...Read more

Melissa Eversole’s New Role at PrismHR Is Bound to Be a ‘Success’

Cincinnati is known for many things. From the recent growth the city has seen in advanced manufacturing to the five championships held by the Reds—the oldest franchise in Major League Baseball—to the emergence of the adorableness of Fritz the baby hippo, who is generating daily “awws” from his fans who visit him at the Cincinnati...Read more

Doing the Heavy Lifting: How Matt Yuknis Made a Career Out of Carrying His ‘Weight’

When I spoke with PrismHR Customer Success Manager (CSM) Matt Yuknis last October about profiling him for our blog, he was a little concerned that he wouldn’t have enough interesting stories to share about his life and career. He even went so far as to tell me he was thinking of the Matchbox Twenty song...Read more

With PrismHCM, You’ll Be Ready When ‘Graduation’ Day Comes 

Status quo is comfortable, status quo is familiar … status quo isn’t always the best way to go.  As a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), you might be thinking to yourself: Why would I want to add a Human Capital Management (HCM) system in the first place? After all, you say. “I’m good enough, I’m smart...Read more

A Look Back at 2023: Big-time Announcements, Big-time Innovation Unleashed

What a big-time year 2023 was filled with big-time fun!  Trying to encapsulate highlights from a year filled with innovation, acceleration and inspiration is like trying to play with a few puppies in a room filled with adorable furry friends—no matter how you try to ignore the others, they are going to find a way...Read more

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