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Industry leading software backed by expert tax teams who maximize credit value while minimizing client effort

WOTC.com offers an optimized implementation of tax credit screening.

The team at WOTC.com utilizes best in class software for streamlining the screening and processing of hiring tax credits at both the federal and state levels.

Learn how WOTC.com can help optimize your implementation.

Benefits Overview

Dual screenings available, WOTC.com allows for screening of both job applicants and new hires alike. Additionally, the WOTC.com software screens at both the federal and state level for applicable credits.

Automatically pulls payroll data for effortless completion of credit value for final processing of tax credits. No need to upload forms or manually input hours & wages for applicable work site employees.

WOTC.com operates entirely on a contingency fee structure. Clients are only invoiced when credits have been created and sent to the designated CFO or CPA on the account. Terms of payment to WOTC.com is only when the credit has been applied to client’s tax returns.

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Learn how WOTC.com can help optimize your implementation.