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A smart and simple way to automate and streamline Point-of-Hire Tax Credits.

Automate Your WOTC Program and Save Time and Money!

Walton WOTC app screenshot


Administering Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTC) manually is a thing of the past. Walton’s integration with PrismHR delivers a solution proven to simplify and streamline WOTC.

  • Simplified User Experience – Walton’s integration pre-populates the new hire’s demographic data required on IRS Form 8850.
  • Automated Screening – Walton integrates a quick and simple questionnaire into your workflow to screen your new hires and pursue available tax credits for your company with ease.
  • Integrated Data Transmission – Walton’s integration securely automates the transmission of the required payroll data used to calculate your tax credits.

Proven Solutions – Powered by Unmatched Technology

Fully Automated

Eliminates all paperwork and manual data transmission

Simplified User Experience

Proven to streamline tax credits for employees as well as employers

Audit-Ready Reporting

AlwaysON Reporting platform delivers the information you need when you need it

How It Works

Walton WOTC Screening Demo

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Smart & Simple Tax Credit Solutions

Ready to automate and save time, money, and resources?

Contact us to learn how we can help you automate your company’s point-of-hire tax credits with ease.

Contact Us to Get Started