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Help your clients meet COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates with the BP Logix Vaccine Tracker app.

Simplify Vaccination Tracking for Employers

Meet COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates with the BP Logix Vaccine Tracker app

The Vaccine Tracker App helps PEOs and their customers comply with workplace vaccination and testing mandates. This secure, mobile-friendly application makes it easy for companies to:

  • Confirm and verify employee vaccination status via QR code
  • Track weekly employee COVID-19 testing and symptom surveys
  • Approve and record employee exemptions and accommodations
  • Stay up-to-date with federal and state-level regulations and requirements

Employee Vaccination Tracking Designed for PEOs

Discover why PEOs are choosing the BP Logix Vaccine Tracker App.

Multi-Level Administration

Manage and partition data across multiple client companies and geographic locations.

Data Privacy

Help clients ensure compliance with EEOC data privacy/PHI requirements, if HIPAA applies.

Support for Policy Variations

Accommodate a variety of vaccination policies across the different state, local, and organizational levels.

Quick and Easy Implementation

Integrate app with existing HR systems and deploy to client companies within weeks – not months.

Exception Handling

Trigger automated workflows for testing, exemptions, contact tracing, and incident management.

Accessibility and UX

Provide a mobile-friendly user experience with multi-language capabilities, intuitive workflows, and easy-to-use forms.

How It Works

The BP Logix Vaccine Tracker app helps companies keep their workplace safe and remain compliant with OSHA and state/local mandates by orchestrating a secure exchange of information between various entities.

 BP Logix workflow diagram

Empower Your Clients With an Out-Of-Box Vaccination Tracking Solution.

Ready to learn more? Fill out the form to book a customized app demo.

BP Logix App Dashboard screenshot

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